What’s up next?

Next to Normal

By Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey

When this landmark rock musical debuted on Broadway in 2010, it won 3 Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama – one of only ten musicals in history to receive this prestigious honor. A ground-breaking and intimate portrait of a modern family, Next to Normal “tears at the heart in a way few musicals manage” (Attitude)

Next to Normal is an intimate exploration of family and illness, loss and grief. At its heart is Diana Goodman (Slade), a suburban wife and mother living with bipolar disorder and haunted by her past. Next To Normal features a thrilling and original rock score by Pulitzer, Tony, Emmy and Grammy Award winner Tom Kitt and book and lyrics by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Brian Yorkey. Starring alongside Slade are Ryan Klontz (Dan), Arlyss Hays (Natalie), Ethan Patrick (Gabe), Micah Patterson (Henry) and Isaac Frank (Dr. Fine).

Why so small?

In a town where bigger seems better, founder John Kish strives to find genuine and honest theatrical experiences. By making the space as the limiting factor in a production, it forces the focus to be on the actors, direction, script, and quality of performance. The emphasis is on the words and not the aesthetic grandeur. This doesn’t mean we do not try our best to completely transform the space. We are not merely a ‘black box’ theater. Come enjoy an intimate experience at The Greenhouse.

Ticket Price?

Our ticket prices are set based on the need to put on the production. We are pioneering professional theater in Central Oregon, by actually paying our cast and crew. The majority of the ticket price is going towards paying everyone you see on stage and behind the scenes. This is a new model for Central Oregon and a new mindset, we cannot be compared to what others are doing as we are setup as an entirely different business model (plus we are a for profit model), which supports our artists. We respect peoples time and want to see art elevate in Bend. Thank you for supporting our mission for change.

Central Oregon’s first professional Theater

Covid-19 Protocols

For the protection of our actors and productions, as well as by making our young theater accessible by all, we are still heavely suggesting masks during our show. Thank you for respecting our artists.





A statement from The Greenhouse Cabaret

We recognize we are a predominantly white founded theater in a predominantly white town, but to change that, was our goal in founding The Greenhouse. “Be the change you wish to see” -Gandhi. We recognize that Central Oregon is lacking in diversity and culture and has deep roots in racism, recognized and unrecognized. Our mission is to create a space of equality and equity as art has no boundaries or limits. We recognize the role the performing arts play in our our world and national conversation and we hope to better Central Oregon through our performances by creating space for other voices. This is a queer founded space with open arms to all who are loving and accepting of others. We commit ourselves to the continuous work of becoming an anti-racist and anti-oppressive theatrical space. We will focus on being open, listening, and offering solutions when possible in the dismantling of white supremacy in our country, state, county, and city.

Land Acknowledgment

We would like to acknowledge that the beautiful land known as Bend, Oregon north to the Columbia River is the original homelands of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. The Confederated Tribes ceded this land in the Treaty of 1855 while retaining regular and customary hunting, fishing, and gathering rights. The Wana Łama (Warm Springs), Wasq’ú (Wasco) and Northern Paiute people inhabited this area in certain seasonal times that clearly established their presence. It is also important to note that the Klamath Trail ran north through this region to the great Celilo Falls trading grounds. This trade route expanded the impact of commerce between Tribal nations. We acknowledge and thank the original stewards of this land. It is our hope that guests continue to honor and care for this land.


Donate to support clean water for Warm Springs: mrgfoundation.org/the-chuush-fund-water-for-warm-springs/.